Monday MON 1 January 0001
Monday MON 1 January 0001
Monday MON 1 January 0001
Monday MON 1 January 0001
Monday MON 1 January 0001
Tuesday TUE 1 September 2015
Wednesday WED 2 September 2015
Thursday THU 3 September 2015
Friday FRI 4 September 2015
Saturday SAT 5 September 2015
Sunday SUN 6 September 2015
Monday MON 7 September 2015
Tuesday TUE 8 September 2015
Wednesday WED 9 September 2015
Thursday THU 10 September 2015
Sunday SUN 13 September 2015

© Wiener Philharmoniker

Elisabeth Kulman

Elisabeth Kulman © Julia Wesely

Christoph Eschenbach

Christoph Eschenbach © Eric Brissaud

Wiener Philharmoniker

Wiener Philharmoniker © Herbert Schwingenschlögl

Wiener Philharmoniker / Kulman / Eschenbach

Benefizkonzert zugunsten der Flüchtlingshilfe

Monday 28 September 2015
19:30 – ca. 21:15
Großer Saal



Wiener Philharmoniker

Elisabeth Kulman, Sopran

Christoph Eschenbach, Dirigent


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Symphonie g-moll K 550 (1788)

Richard Wagner

Fünf Gedichte von Mathilde Wesendonck für eine Frauenstimme und Klavier »Wesendonck-Lieder« (Bearbeitung für Sopran und Orchester: Felix Mottl) (1857–1858)


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Symphonie C-Dur K 551 »Jupiter-Symphonie« (1788)


Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Wiener Philharmoniker mit der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft.
In Zusammenarbeit mit ORF, Gewista, Caritas, Diakonie, Hilfswerk, Rotes Kreuz, Samariterbund und Volkshilfe.
Der Gesamterlös der Veranstaltung kommt HELFEN. WIE WIR. zugute.

Presented by Wiener Philharmoniker

Humanity and Readiness to Help

To set an example in promoting humanity and the readiness to help, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra will perform a charity concert on September 28, 2015 at the Wiener Konzerthaus in support of refugee relief. In presenting a programme including Mozart’s “Great” Symphony in g minor and his “Jupiter Symphony”, Christoph Eschenbach will conduct some of the greatest highlights of this composer’s artistic oeuvre; and Elisabeth Kulman will take the solo part in Richard Wagner’s impassioned, highly romantic  “Wesendonck-Lieder”. As all participants will waive their performance fees, the complete sales revenue will go to organisations such as Caritas, Diakonie, Hilfswerk, Red Cross, Samariterbund and Volkshilfe.

In addition to generating some much needed financial support for these people who are fleeing from war and violence, this charity concert’s main objective lies in bringing a commitment to refugee relief to the general public’s attention. Please join us by lending your support to the Vienna Philharmonic and the Wiener Konzerthaus, setting an example of humanity and our readiness to help for society at large.


Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.