Selma Bruna, Stimme, Pandeiro-Quadrat
Clara Fiol, Stimme, Pandeiro-Quadrat
Sandra Monfort, Stimme, Gitarre
Filip Tyran, Tenor, Klavier, Ukulele
Ruben Gludovacz, Tenor, Gitarre
Pavel Malý, Bariton, Tambura
Tome Jankovic, Bass, Kontrabass
Tome Jankovic
Ruben Gludovacz, Johannes Herbst
Wenn i dann aufwoch
Thorsteinn Einarsson, Jonathan Reiner, Ruben Gludovacz, Michael Zöttl
Oide Zeitn (Bearbeitung: Filip Tyran, Ruben Gludovacz, Pavel Maly, Tomas Jankovič)
Clara Fiol, Sandra Monfort, Selma Bruna
Canteu a l'albat
Selma Bruna, Clara Fiol, Sandra Monfort
A la vora del riu mare
Jota de morir
Ramo Verde. Volkslied aus Spanien (Bearbeitung: Sandra Monfort)
Sandra Monfort
Llenguatge dels cossos
Selma Bruna
Clara Fiol
Selma Bruna, Clara Fiol, Sandra Monfort
Canción del Varear
Nana naneta
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
Marala and the BasBariTenori perform true vocal wonders in the cycle »Spielarten«: The three musicians of Marala convince with finely spun sounds and their own stories full of poetry. In their programme »A trenc d'Alba«, the singers from Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca have been inspired by the folk music traditions of Spain. In addition to this programme, they will also present excerpts from their latest project »Jota de morir«, which combines folk and pop. The four young men of BasBariTenori, for example, drew on traditional melodies as well as lyrics of the Burgenland Croats and also on songs from Vienna: they are from Slovakia and Austria, but what they have in common is the life of the Burgenland Croats. In this way, the quartet creates music that is happy as well as sad, world-embracing and wise.