Manfred Honeck © Todd Rosenberg
Wiener Symphoniker / Honeck
Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 8
19:30 – ca. 21:00
Großer Saal
Wiener Symphoniker
Manfred Honeck, Dirigent
Anton Bruckner
Symphonie Nr. 8 c-moll (Zweite Fassung von 1890) (1884–1887/1890)
Dieses Konzert wird im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft und den Wiener Symphonikern veranstaltet. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung bei Kooperationsveranstaltungen, Speicherdauer und Ihren Rechten finden Sie in unserer
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Wiener Symphoniker
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
»Everything has its limits, Bruckner lies beyond«
This statement by Brahms about Bruckner in a letter to Elisabeth von
Herzogenberg was by no means meant to be as enthusiastic as it appears -
so taken out of context. On the contrary: in 1885, Brahms introduced a
scathing, pitying judgment of his Austrian colleague, which he was later
to revise, according to a contemporary witness. He did so after the
premiere of Bruckner's 8th Symphony on December 18, 1892, by the Vienna
Philharmonic under Hans Richter. The latter is said to have wrung from
Brahms the appreciative words that »Bruckner is a genius after all.« In
any case, his Eighth hit the public like a comet. It is no coincidence
that it was later given the nickname »The Apocalyptic«. At the same
time, the work transcends sound spaces and time in an almost mystical
way, so that the above abbreviated Brahms quote appears in retrospect
like the proverbial spark of truth in every rumor. »Magic Moments« for
the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under the musical direction of Manfred