Erwin Steinhauer, Gesang, Tänzerische Einlagen, Moderation
Georg Graf, Blasinstrumente
Arnulf Lindner, Bass, Gitarre, Violoncello
Joe Pinkl, Keyboard, Posaune, Tuba
Peter Rosmanith, Percussion, Hang
»Alles Gute«
Friedrich Hollaender
Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt (Lied aus »Der blaue Engel«, Regie: Josef von Sternberg, D 1930) (1930)
Arthur Lauber
Urassa Bossa
Die Vips
Matthias Bauer
Es gibt so Tage
Klaus Trabitsch
Georg Graf, Joe Pinkl, Peter Rosmanith
Der Berg
Peter Rosmanith
Georg Kreisler
Irgendwo am Strand (Seltsame Liebeslieder) (1958)
Ich hab dich zu vergessen vergessen (1961)
Leonard Cohen
I'm your man
Joe Pinkl
Wo is den da Greissla?
Balade fon de Glanechkeitn
Matthias Bauer
Ich bin allein und sehe
Tom Waits
Hermann Leopoldi
Ein Schachterl mit Tabletten
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Veranstaltung mit Pause
Back in the 1970s, Erwin Steinhauer was one of the pioneers of the new Viennese cabaret scene, performing sketches and blackouts in his political programs and singing cabaret songs. At the beginning of the new millennium, the former Burg and later Josefstadt star began a multi-year collaboration with the actor, director and author Rupert Henning. This resulted in popular plays such as »Freundschaft«, which was also highly successful in the film version, as well as a number of jazzy songs. On the occasion of his 70th birthday two years ago, Erwin Steinhauer presented an anniversary program with songs from the last 40 years with »Alles Gute ... und alles Erfolgreiche«. As part of his current Konzerthaus portrait, the audience favorite will review this best-of once again.