Sunday SUN 9 March 2025
Thursday THU 13 March 2025
Tuesday TUE 25 March 2025
Sunday SUN 1 December 2024
Friday FRI 6 December 2024
Sunday SUN 15 December 2024
Tuesday TUE 17 December 2024
Tuesday TUE 24 December 2024
Wednesday WED 25 December 2024
Thursday THU 26 December 2024
Silvester 2024


Silvestergala: Nikolaus Habjan & Friends / Wiener Symphoniker / Popelka

»Anpfiff mit Strauss«

Tuesday 31 December 2024
22:00 – ca. 1:30
Großer Saal



Nikolaus Habjan, Kunstpfeifen, Conférencier, Gesang

& Friends:

Ines Schüttengruber, Klavier, Orgel

Anna Lucia Richter, Mezzosopran

nexus now ensemble, Ensemble

Christoph Huber, Dirigent

Wiener Symphoniker

Ankathie Koi, Gesang

Def Ill, Rap

Studierende der MUK, Tanz

Steffi Wieser, Choreographie

Petr Popelka, Dirigent


Nikolaus Habjan & Friends

Franz Schubert

Das Wandern D 795/1 (Die schöne Müllerin) (1823)

Mein! D 795/11 (Die schöne Müllerin) (1823)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

O zittre nicht, mein lieber Sohn ... Zum Leiden bin ich auserkoren (Rezitativ und Arie der Königin der Nacht aus »Die Zauberflöte« K 620) (1791)

Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen (Arie der Königin der Nacht aus »Die Zauberflöte« K 620) (1791)

Ludwig van Beethoven

in des Lebens Frühlingstagen (Arie des Florestan aus »Fidelio« op. 72) (1804–1814)

Georg Friedrich Händel

Da tempeste il legno infranto (Arie der Cleopatra aus »Giulio Cesare in Egitto« HWV 17) (1723–1724)

Sta nell' ircana »In the dark and stony cave« (Arie des Ruggiero aus »Alcina« HWV 34) (1735)

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Quel chiaro rio che a pena (Aria der Atalanta aus »La Corona«)

Franz Schubert

Des Baches Wiegenlied D 795/20 (Die schöne Müllerin) (1823)

Jacques Offenbach

Ah! quel diner ... Je suis un peu grise (Griserie aus »La Perichole«) (1864/1868)

Giuseppe Verdi

Mercè, dilette amiche (Arie der Elena aus »Les vêpres siciliennes«) (1855)



Giuseppe Verdi

Volta la terrea (Un ballo in maschera) (1859)


»Anpfiff mit Strauss«

Johann Strauß (Sohn)

An der schönen blauen Donau. Walzer op. 314 (1867)

Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein (Entree des Prinzen Orlofsky aus »Die Fledermaus«) (1874)

Stürmisch in Lieb' und Tanz. Polka schnell op. 393 (1881)

Spiel ich die Unschuld vom Lande (Lied der Adele aus »Die Fledermaus«) (1874)

Mein Herr Marquis (Lachcouplet der Adele aus »Die Fledermaus«) (1874)

Rap-Medley (zu Texten aus »Die Fledermaus«)

Johann Strauß (Sohn)

Auf zum Tanze!. Polka schnell op. 436

Schwipslied (Eine Nacht in Venedig) (1883)

Seid umschlungen, Millionen. Walzer op. 443 (1892)

Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op. 214 (1858)


Eine Veranstaltung der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft in Kooperation mit Johann Strauss 2025 Wien
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Dieses Konzert wird im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft und den Wiener Symphonikern veranstaltet. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung bei Kooperationsveranstaltungen, Speicherdauer und Ihren Rechten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

Links https://www.wienersymphoniker.at

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft

New Year's Eve whistle

In 2025, Vienna will be in Strauss fever for a whole year as the city celebrates the 200th birthday of its Waltz King. This year's New Year's Eve gala will kick off at midnight with the artistic piper Nikolaus Habjan. In the first half of the program, he will confer with the nexus now ensemble, which effortlessly crosses genre boundaries, as well as with mezzo-soprano Anna Lucia Richter and Ines Schüttengruber on piano and organ. At midnight, he will blow the whistle for the Strauss year, after which pop singer Ankathie Koi and rapper Def III will join him on stage, and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, led by its newly appointed chief conductor Petr Popelka, will perform.

Here is some information about the New Year's Eve gala:
In the first half of the program, from 10 pm, Nikolaus Habjan will whistle, confer and sing famous arias by Mozart, Beethoven, Händel, Schubert, Offenbach and Verdi, supported by mezzo-soprano Anna Lucia Richter and Ines Schüttengruber on piano and organ as well as with the nexus now ensemble under the direction of Christoph Huber.

There will be an interval from around 11.15 pm, during which you can also purchase sparkling wine with disposable glasses to take back to the hall from the buffets. We ask you to be back in the hall in time for the turn of the year, where the new year and the Strauss year will be heralded in at midnight. To the sounds of the Danube Waltz, which will also be danced on stage, you are welcome to toast with champagne in the Great Hall. In the second half of the program, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Petr Popelka, will play waltzes and polkas by Johann Strauss (son), and pop singer Ankathie Koi and rapper Def Ill will also perform.

We wish you an enjoyable New Year's Eve and a good start to the New Year!

In cooperation with


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Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.