Thomas Hengelbrock © Pressebild.de/Bertold Fabricius
Balthasar-Neumann-Chor und -Ensemble / Hengelbrock
»Monteverdi: Marienvesper«
19:30 – ca. 21:15
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Vespro della Beata Vergine
Thomas Hengelbrock and his Balthasar-Neumann Ensemble, which he founded in 1995, stand for »the perfect sound«, particularly when it comes to early music. For their pre-Christmas performance in the Wiener Konzerthaus, the conductor and his magnificent ensemble are bringing with them Monteverdi's »Vespro della Beate Virgine«. The work by Monteverdi, who was born 450 years ago in 2017, marks a turning point in the history of European music. Thomas Hengelbrock and the Balthasar-Neumann Ensemble pay tribute to the universal genius from Cremona by giving an historically informed performance of his early baroque jewel.
Program sheet