Aljinovic / Lemnitz / Pichler / Watzl
»Hollywood on Air – Henry Koster: Mein Freund Harvey«
19:30 – ca. 21:05
Boris Aljinović, Ellwood / Prof. Chumley (Sprecher)
Regina Lemnitz, Veta / Mrs. Epstein (Sprecherin)
Claudia Sabitzer, Mirna Mae / Betty (Sprecherin)
Lukas Watzl, Dr. Sanderson / Oswald Gaffney / Taxifahrer / Erzähler (Sprecher)
Nils Kirchhoff, Geräuschemacher
Felix Raffel, Klavier
Regine Ahrem, Regie
Regine Ahrem
Hollywood on Air: Mein Freund Harvey. Ein Live-Hörspiel nach dem Hollywood-Klassiker von Henry Koster (USA, 1950) und dem Theaterstück von Mary Chase (1944) (UA)
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Claudia Sabitzer eingesprungen für Chris Pichler
Subscription series
Literatur im Konzerthaus
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Hollywood on Air
»My Friend Harvey« – The comedy classic as a live radio play: »There are two ways to get through life well, either you are very smart or very friendly. I used to be very smart, now I'm very friendly.« Elwood Dowd – the main character – is an unflappably amiable middle-aged recluse who carries a companion named Harvey with him wherever he goes. The only problem is, Harvey is a 6-foot-tall white rabbit who is invisible to everyone else – except Elwood. This circumstance results in a fast-paced, immensely funny game of errors and confusions, which, however, has a very philosophical core in its depths. For »Harvey« is a Hollywoodesque variation on the age-old motif of the fool who – without knowing it – calls the wisdom of life his own and thus frees the world from its wickedness.
Media Partner

Program sheet 1
Program sheet 2