Sunday SUN 9 March 2025
Thursday THU 13 March 2025
Tuesday TUE 25 March 2025
Tuesday TUE 15 March 2022
Wednesday WED 16 March 2022
Friday FRI 18 March 2022
Saturday SAT 19 March 2022
Sunday SUN 20 March 2022

Joyce DiDonato © Eden SergiJasanada

IlPPomo d'Oro / DiDonato / Emelyanychev

Sunday 20 March 2022
19:30 – ca. 21:00
Großer Saal



Il pomo d'oro

Joyce DiDonato, Mezzosopran, Executive Producer

Marie Lambert-Le Bihan, Stage Director

Vita Tzykun, Bühnenbild, Kostüme

John Torres, Lichtdesign

Maxim Emelyanychev, Dirigent



Charles Ives

The Unanswered Question (Two Contemplations Nr. 1) (1908)

Rachel Portman

The first morning of the world

Gustav Mahler

Ich atmet' einen linden Duft (Fünf Lieder nach Gedichten von Friedrich Rückert) (1901)

Marco Uccellini

Sinfonia terza a cinque strumenti op. 7

Biagio Marini

Con le stelle in ciel (1622))

Josef Myslivecek

Toglierò le sponde al mare (Arie aus »Adamo ed Eva«) (1771)

Aaron Copland

Nature, the gentlest mother (Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson Nr. 1) (1949–1950)

Giovanni Valentini

Sonata enharmonica

Francesco Cavalli

Piante ombrose (Arie der Calisto aus der Oper »La Calisto«) (1651)

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Danza degli spettri e delle furie (Don Juan, ou Le festin de Pierre) (1761)

Misera, dove son' ... ah! non son' io che parlo (Recitativo accompagnato und Aria der Fulvia aus »Ezio«)

Georg Friedrich Händel

As with rosy steps the morn (Arie der Irene aus »Theodora« HWV 68) (1750 vor)

Gustav Mahler

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Fünf Lieder nach Gedichten von Friedrich Rückert) (1901)


In Kooperation mit MünchenMusik und Semmel Concerts
Medienpartner Ö1 Club und Kronenzeitung

Subscription series Great Voices

Links https://www.ilpomodoro.org

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft


»Experiencing the majesty, myth and mystery of nature« through her voice and expressions is what Joyce DiDonato has set out to do in her new programme, Eden. »With the magic of theatre and the power of music, we will explore our connection to nature and our place on this planet,« is her goal. 
At the New York Met, the Kansas-born mezzo-soprano is one of the big stars. The versatile stylist, whose repertoire ranges from baroque to bel canto and romantic to contemporary, is celebrated all over the world. As an activist for a fairer world, she gives her art to many less fortunate people, sings in prisons or for refugee children. In »Eden«, Joyce DiDonato and the ensemble Il Pomo d'Oro under Maxim Emelyanychev invite you on a journey full of great music from Handel to Ives, from Gluck to Mahler, a magical, sensual and contemplative expedition.

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Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.