Martin Grubinger, Multipercussion, Moderation
Max Mutzke, Gesang
Ferhan Önder, Klavier
Ferzan Önder, Klavier
The Percussive Planet Ensemble
Slavik Stakhov, Percussion
Manuel Hofstätter, Percussion
Rainer Furthner, Percussion
Sabine Pyrker, Percussion
Jürgen Leitner, Percussion
Rhani Krija, Percussion
Alexander Georgiev, Percussion
Louis Sanou, Percussion
Axel Mayer, Trompete
Christian Lettner, Drums
Heiko Jung, E-Bass
Alexander Jung, E-Gitarre
Jan Eschke, Keyboards
Per Rundberg, Klavier
Alexander von Hagke, Saxophon, Flöte
Aneel Soomary, Trompete
Jürgen Ellensohn, Trompete
Jörg Brohm, Trompete
Louis Sanou, Percussion
Florian Pichler, Trompete
Gerald Pöttinger, Posaune
Raphael Strasser, Posaune
David Zuder, Posaune
Daniel Mascher, Posaune
Igor Strawinski
1. Satz: Anbetung der Erde (Le sacre du printemps. Bilder aus dem heidnischen Russland) (1911–1913)
Steps Ahead
Beirut (1986)
Astor Piazzolla
Libertango (1974)
Max Mutzke
Charlotte (2015)
Avner Dorman
Udacrep Akubrad (Fassung für vier Schlagwerker:innen) (2001)
Michel Camilo
Steps Ahead
Trains (1986)
Matthias Schmitt, Martin Grubinger sen.
Ghanaia II (1997/2022)
Minoru Miki
Marimba Spiritual (1983–1984)
Keiko Abe
The wave. Concerto für Marimba und vier Percussionisten (2000)
Why should I cry for you (Bearbeitung: Max Mutzke) (1991)
David Furrer
I want it all (Bearbeitung: Max Mutzke)
Jaco Pastorius
Teen town (1977)
Martin Grubinger
Planet rudiment (2005)
Kenny Gamble, Leon Huff
Me and Mrs Jones (Bearbeitung: Max Mutzke)
Rainhard Fendrich
I am from Austria
Subscription series
Percussive Planet
40. Internationales Musikfest
It's hard to imagine: the charismatic whirlwind Martin Grubinger is ending his grandiose international career. With his technical perfection and irrepressible joy of playing, he has succeeded in securing a position for percussion as one of the most fascinating instruments in concert life. And the Salzburg multi-percussionist also contributed significantly to the expansion of the percussion repertoire, with many works composed especially for him. Now he is no longer needed as a »beacon«, as he says. However, musical sustainability is still very close to his heart - this is also shown by his professorship for classical percussion and multipercussion at the Salzburg Mozarteum, which he has held since the 2018/19 academic year. At the end of May, Martin Grubinger gathers friends and companions to make the Great Hall shake once again at his birthday concert and to bid a fitting farewell to the Viennese audience. We can only say: »It was very nice! We were very pleased!«