Franz Welser-Möst © Satoshi Aoyagi
Faszination Musik. Öffentliche Meisterklasse mit Franz Welser-Möst
18:30 – ca. 20:15
Anja Mittermüller, Mezzosopran
Jusung Gabriel Park, Bassbariton
Richard Fu, Klavier
Franz Welser-Möst, Leitung
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Tutto è disposto ... Aprite un po' quegl'occhi »Öffnet eure Augen« (Rezitativ und Arie des Figaro aus »Le nozze di Figaro« K 492) (1785–1786)
Deh per questo istante solo (Rondo des Sesto aus »La Clemenza di Tito« K 621) (1791)
Franz Schubert
Du bist die Ruh D 776 (1823)
Nachtstück D 672 (1819)
Die konkrete Reihenfolge der ausgewählten Werke wird im Verlauf der Meisterklasse festgelegt.
Ersatztermin für den 9. Dezember 2023
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Fascination Music
This season, you have the opportunity to experience Franz Welser-Möst in collaboration with outstanding young musicians. In three public master classes, he will guide members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Academy as well as Lukas Sternath on the keyboard in musical interpretation. Pianist Lukas Sternath won first prize and seven special prizes at last year's ARD International Music Competition.
Franz Welser-Möst works with the young musicians on technique and musical expressiveness and listens to musical masterpieces together with them. The event on February 14 will feature mezzo-soprano Anja Mittermüller, who has already performed in the »Musica Juventutis« cycle at the Wiener Konzerthaus. Together with Franz Welser-Möst, she will tackle Franz Schubert's »Nachtstück« D 672, among others.
Program sheet