Brigitte Hobmeier © Katrin Makowski
Brigitte Hobmeier / Julia Riedler
Astrid Lindgren und Louise Hartung: Ich habe auch gelebt!
19:30 – ca. 21:00
Brigitte Hobmeier, Lesung
Julia Riedler, Lesung
Brigitte Hobmeier und Julia Riedler lesen aus dem Briefwechsel von Astrid Lindgren und Louise Hartung »Ich habe auch gelebt! Briefe einer Freundschaft«
Idee, Konzept, Strichfassung: Mariko Minoguchi. Übersetzung aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen und Englischen: Angelika Kutsch, Ursel Allenstein, Brigitte Jakobeit
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
Literatur im Konzerthaus
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
I have lived too!
»Sometimes I feel really sad about the fact that so many people, an infinite number, have lived and died on our earth without leaving any trace, nothing at all to tell us who are alive now: I have lived too!«, said Astrid Lindgren in a letter to her friend Louise Hartung in 1964. Without the more than 600 letters in which she exchanged with children's book author Astrid Lindgren, little would have been handed down to posterity about the Münster-born singer Louise Hartung. The two met in Berlin in 1953. Over a period of eleven years, they wrote about their lives, shared their joys and sorrows, wrote about their everyday lives, their dreams, art and literature - and about the limits of love. The letters show a new, very personal picture of Astrid Lindgren and convey a picture of the different worlds of the post-war period in Sweden and Berlin. First and foremost, however, they paint a portrait of a very special friendship. The well-known actresses Brigitte Hobmeier and Julia Riedler from stage, film, television and radio plays will read a selection of the stories.
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