Saisonpräsentation 2025/26
Präsentation des Abonnementprogramms der Saison 2025/26
Großer Saal
Matthias Naske, Präsentation
Julian Prégardien, Tenor
Audrey Saint-Gil, Klavier
Thomas Gansch, Trompete
La Philharmonica
Lara Kusztrich, Violine
Adela Frăsineanu-Morrison, Violine
Ursula Ruppe, Viola
Ursula Wex, Violoncello
Andrea Götsch, Klarinette
Sophie Dervaux, Fagott
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Die Anzahl der Plätze ist begrenzt und sie werden in der Reihenfolge der Anmeldung vergeben.
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Presentation of the 2025/26 subscriptions
For the upcoming 2025/26 season, we have once again put together a varied program for you, with excellent music of various genres, from classical to jazz to pop, readings, film screenings, events for children and families and inclusive offers - in tried and tested formats and with some new features. Artistic Director Matthias Naske will present the program. Visitors can also look forward to interesting talks and performances by artists from the upcoming season such as Julian Prégardien, Thomas Gansch and La Philharmonica, musicians from the ranks of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as a glass of wine to get them in the mood.