Mitsuko Uchida © Justin Pumfrey/Decca
Klavierabend Mitsuko Uchida
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Mitsuko Uchida
Mitsuko Uchida and Vienna - that is a special story. Born in Atami, Japan, in 1948, she laid important foundations for her career as an artist during her childhood in Vienna. After studying at the local music university, she succeeded at the age of 21 at the International Beethoven Piano Competition - one of several important starting points for her international career. Even today, the pianist's eyes light up when she talks about Beethoven. Her most recent recording of Beethoven, the Diabelli Variations, received the Gramophone Piano Award in 2022. There is much to say about the pianist, who has been awarded honorary doctorates from Oxford and Cambridge as well as the Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society - but she speaks best of all through her piano skills, when she interprets sonatas by her favorite composers Beethoven and Schubert as well as works by Schönberg and Kurtág with her incomparably crystal-clear tone.