Sunday SUN 9 March 2025
Thursday THU 13 March 2025
Tuesday TUE 25 March 2025
Sunday SUN 9 March 2025
Thursday THU 13 March 2025
Tuesday TUE 25 March 2025
Maria Schneider

Maria Schneider © Briene Lermitte

Maria Schneider with Oslo Jazz Ensemble

Data Lords

Friday 7 March 2025
19:30 – ca. 21:30



Maria Schneider, Dirigentin

Oslo Jazz Ensemble

Børge-Are Halvorsen, Altsaxophon, Flöte

Joakim Bergsrønning, Altsaxophon, Flöte, Klarinette

Atle Nymo, Tenorsaxophon

Martin Myhre Olsen, Tenorsaxophon

Tina Laegreid Olsen, Baritonsaxophon, Bassklarinette

Frank Brodahl, Trompete, Flügelhorn

Marius Haltli, Trompete, Flügelhorn

Richard Köster, Trompete, Flügelhorn

Anders Eriksson, Trompete, Flügelhorn

Even Kruse Skatrud, Posaune

Nils Andreas G. Granseth, Posaune

Magnus Murphy Joelson, Posaune

Ingrid Utne, Bassposaune

Jørn Oien, Klavier

Kalle Moberg, Akkordeon

Jens Thoresen, Gitarre

Trygve Waldemar Fiske, Bass

Håkon Mjåset Johansen, Schlagzeug


Maria Schneider


Don’t be evil


Look up

CQ CQ, is anybody there?

The sun waited for me

Data lords



Maria Schneider

Braided together


Unterstützt von Erste Bank

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft

Critical sounds for the digital age

On her album »Data Lords«, seven-time Grammy winner Maria Schneider takes a critical look at the dualism of the real and digital worlds. She looks at how digitalization is changing our lives and social interaction and how a few large IT companies are profiting from the data we all feed them every day. The visionary American composer and conductor has influenced the jazz world over the last 30 years, particularly with her masterful orchestrations. In her works, which are as sophisticated as they are imaginative and atmospheric, she combines influences from a wide range of styles, composition and improvisation. In 2021, Maria Schneider won two Grammy Awards for »Data Lords« in the categories »Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album« and »Best Instrumental Composition« (for the piece »Sputnik«) and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. She will be performing at the Wiener Konzerthaus together with the renowned Oslo Jazz Ensemble, with whom she has enjoyed many years of successful collaboration.

Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.