Tuesday TUE 5 September 2023
Thursday THU 7 September 2023
Saturday SAT 9 September 2023
Tuesday TUE 19 September 2023
Monday MON 25 September 2023

Mattia Battistini, Bariton

Thursday 20 November 1924
Großer Saal



Mattia Battistini, Bariton

Erich Meller, Klavier


Giacomo Meyerbeer

In questo loco (Arie des Hoel aus »Dinorah«) (1859)

Giacomo Carissimi

Vittoria, Vittoria

Gaetano Donizetti

Leonora! Ei del suo cor ... A tanto amor, Leonora (Arie des Alfonso aus »La favorita«) (1840)

Giuseppe Verdi

Alzati, la tuo, figlio ... Eri tu »Für dein Glück« (Cavatine des Renato aus »Un ballo in maschera«) (Libretto: Antonio Somma) (1859)


Ruggero Leoncavallo

Si puó? (Prolog des Tonio aus »Pagliacci«) (1892)

Ildebrando Pizzetti

I pastori

Giuseppe Verdi

Ehi! Taverniere ... Quand'ero paggio del Duca di Norfolk (Canzone des Falstaff aus »Falstaff«) (1893)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Deh, vieni alla finestra »Komm, geh ans Fenster« (Canzonetta des Don Giovanni aus »Don Giovanni« K 527) (1787)

Giuseppe Verdi

Son io, mio Carlo ... Per me è giunto il di supremo ... O Carlo, ascolta (Arie / Tod Rodrigos, des Marquis Posa aus »Don Carlos«) (1867)

Presented by KD EGIS A.G. (Eirich-Gutmann-IKA-Symphonia)


Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 9 & 12 September | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.