Capella de la Torre
Hildegard Wippermann, Altpommer, Flöte
Yosuke Kurihara, Posaune
Regina Hahnke, Dulzian
Martina Fiedler, Orgel
Johannes Vogt, Laute
Mike Turnbull, Percussion
Katharina Bäuml, Schalmei, Leitung
Studierende der MUK – Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Barocktanz
Sina Zack, Tanz
Annelie Fiona Vanicek, Tanz
Sophie Bittmann, Tanz
Anouk Leisch, Tanz
Zoe Wagner, Tanz
Magdalena Schütz, Tanz
Margit Legler, Einstudierung
Michael Praetorius
Bransle de la torche à 5 (Terpsichore musarum) (1612))
Pavane de Spaigne à 4 (Terpsichore musarum Nr. XXX) (1612))
Orlando di Lasso
Bonjour mon coeur (1564))
Michael Praetorius
Ballet »des Amazones« (Terpsichore musarum Nr. CCLXVIII) (1612))
Pierre Guédron
Si tu veux apprendre (1564))
Michael Praetorius
Bransle de Poictou – de Poictou double (Terpsichore musarum) (1612))
La bonne nouvelle
Michael Praetorius
La Bouree Nr. 1 und 2 à 4 (Terpsichore musarum Nr. XXXII) (1612))
Spagnoletta (Terpsichore musarum Nr. XXVII) (1612))
Bransle simple – Bransle double de Nouvelle (Terpsichore musarum) (1612))
Claude Le Jeune
Un gentil amoureux (1608)
Michael Praetorius
Gagliarde (Terpsichore musarum)
Clément Janequin
Il estoit une fillette M 77 (1540))
Michael Praetorius
Ballet des matelotz (Terpsichore musarum) (1612))
Ballet des coqs (Terpsichore musarum) (1612))
Jehan Cardavoine
Pavane »Une jeune fillette«
Michael Praetorius
Volte (Terpsichore musarum Nr. CCX) (1612))
Adrian Le Roy
Si j'aime ou non (1554))
Michael Praetorius/Jehan Cardavoine
Gavotte/Votre esprit recréatif
Vincenzo Calestani
Damigella tutta bella »Liebliche Maid, schöne Maid« (1617))
Niccolò Piffaro
Di lassar tu divo aspetto
Michael Praetorius
Pavane de Spaigne à 4 (Terpsichore musarum Nr. XXX) (1612))
Medienpartner Ö1 Club und Der Standard
Subscription series
Zyklus Resonanzen
Resonanzen »In Feierlaune«
Terpsichore, the muse of dance, was the namesake of one of the most important musical compilations of the late Renaissance. In 1612, Michael Praetorius, in collaboration with the dance master Pierre-Francisque Caroubel, published 312 mostly French dances under this title to the most popular melodies of the time. Katharina Bäuml's Capella de la Torre will now present a selection of these dances and combine them with contemporary chansons to create an entertaining concert evening. Officially, only students of the MUK Private University are allowed to dance, but rest assured: you will also find it difficult to keep your feet still.