Masaaki Suzuki © Marco Borggreve
Bach Collegium Japan / Suzuki
19:00 – ca. 20:30
Großer Saal
Bach Collegium Japan
Joanne Lunn, Sopran
Alexander Chance, Altus
James Gilchrist, Tenor
Christian Immler, Bass
Masaaki Suzuki, Dirigent
Johann Sebastian Bach
Ouverture / Orchestersuite Nr. 4 D-Dur BWV 1069 (1717–1723 ca.)
Was frag ich nach der Welt BWV 94 (1724)
Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben BWV 102 (1726)
Unser Mund sei voll Lachens BWV 110 (1725)
Subscription series
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Breathe Bach
Bach Collegium Japan was founded in 1990 with the aim of bringing historically informed performances of great works of the Baroque period to Japanese audiences. It consists of an orchestra and a choir with period instruments. »Over the past 30 years, under the direction of its founder Masaaki Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan has become one of the world's leading baroque ensembles.« (The Guardian) The ensemble first gained worldwide attention for its acclaimed recordings of the complete Bach cantatas. A BBC review said, »The performers live and breathe Bach's music with as much immediacy as if it had been composed yesterday.« One can be curious about the interpretations of the Japanese guests!
Program sheet