Die Bande & Katharina Stemberger
19:30 – ca. 21:40
Die Bande
Matthias Schorn, Klarinette
Die Strottern
Klemens Lendl, Gesang, Violine
David Müller, Gesang, Gitarre
Georg Breinschmid, Kontrabass, Gesang
Jarkko Riihimäki, Klavier
Katharina Stemberger, Lesung
David Müller
Zum Beispiel
Georg Breinschmid
Little Samba
Klemens Lendl, Martin Ptak, David Müller
Schaun, zaahn, drahn
Jarkko Riihimäki
David Müller
Wia tanzn is
Georg Breinschmid
Kleine Improvisation (waan di net zu Tod) (2017)
Musette pour Elisabeth
Gestern hat's geschneiet
Klemens Lendl, David Müller
Zehn Guidn (Textbearbeitung: Klemens Lendl)
Jarkko Riihimäki
Willi Resetarits
drei gedichta fia d moni (Bearbeitung: Jarkko Riihimäki)
Bei mir is alls verdraht (Bearbeitung: Klemens Lendl, David Müller)
Ernst Molden
De Beag
Georg Breinschmid
Bsoffn in Heanois
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Am 24. April 2022 erreichte uns die traurige Nachricht, dass Willi Resetarits tödlich verunglückt ist. Österreich hat mit Willi Resetarits nicht nur einen seiner vielseitigsten Musiker verloren, sondern auch einen Menschen, der sich zeit seines Lebens für zahllose sozial- und gesellschaftspolitische Projekte engagiert hat.
Subscription series
Comedy & Music
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Artmann and kindred spirits
In 2014 Matthias Schorn, solo clarinettist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and passionate folk and all-round musician in personal union, had the idea to gather a few of his favorite musicians - Willi Resetarits, Georg Breinschmid, Jarkko Rihiimäki and Die Strottern - around him on stage. The idea: everyone brings a few songs and pieces of music and these are performed in a wide variety of line-ups. Those who don't have anything to do at the moment sit down at a small table in the back of the stage, have a glass of wine and join in the celebrations.
Willi Resetarits contributed his wonderful settings of H. C. Artmann and, as »Austria's only real superstar« (Ernst Molden), quickly became the heart and soul of the project. So after his death, the same question arose for the gang as it did for all the musicians:inside with whom he had collaborated: »What are we going to do now?« Willi Resetarits' answer would probably have been, »Just do something else, but keep doing it!«
So the gang invited the wonderful actress Katharina Stemberger to read texts by H. C. Artmann and the like. She, too, was closely associated with Willi Resetarits, not least because she took over from him several years ago as chairman of the board of the Integrationshaus, which he founded, and is making her heart and soul available to it. Otherwise everything remains as planned: A few heart and soul musicians from different musical worlds celebrate life and music - and thus also a little homage to Willi Resetarits.
Program sheet