Gunar Letzbor © Daniil Rabovsky
Ars Antiqua Austria / Hoffman / Letzbor
Ars Antiqua Austria
Mira Letzbor, Violetta
Claire Pottinger-Schmidt, Viola da gamba
Ján Krigovský, Violone
Cornelia Demmer, Laute
Jakub Mitrík, Laute
Hubert Hoffmann, Laute
Mitglieder der Österreichischen Lautengesellschaft:
Richard Labschütz, Laute
Andreas Leopold Bock, Laute
Klaus Köb, Laute
Gunar Letzbor, Violine, Leitung
»Musica Cesarea«
Wolff Jacob Lauffensteiner
Sonata A-Dur
Praelude – Fantaisie
Wenzel Ludwig Freiherr von Radolt
Concerto XII c-moll (1701))
Wolff Jacob Lauffensteiner
Postludio – Fantaisie
Wenzel Ludwig Freiherr von Radolt
Concerto IX G-Dur (1701))
Concerto I d-moll (1701))
Die Beginnzeit wurde von 19:30 auf 18:30 Uhr vorverlegt.
Subscription series
Ars Antiqua Austria
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
»Amore et timore«
»Through love and fear« was the motto of the Roman-German king and later emperor Joseph I, to whom Wenzel Ludwig Edler von Radolt dedicated 12 concerti for lute(s), strings and bass in 1701. Radolt's dedication almost certainly appealed to Joseph's gallant streak, which - as all of Vienna knew - was not exactly underdeveloped. The awkward title (»Die aller treieste, verschwigneste und nach so wohl fröhlichen als traurigen Humor sich richtende Freindin vergesellschafft sich mit anderen getreüen Fasalen unserer inersten Gemuets Regung«) comes across as discreetly as possible and at the same time reveals the »fear« that is most humbly commanded. Like an anticipation of Joseph's rivalry with Louis XIV, the fact that Radolt in these finely crafted chamber concerts predominantly uses the French style of writing, which was frowned upon in the imperial capital and residence at the time, comes to light. All in all, then, a dazzling example of the vitality of the Viennese lute concerto at the beginning of the 18th century, whose rediscovery is due to Gunar Letzbor and whose Ars Antiqua Austria also recorded a representative selection for the first time.
Program sheet