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Gemischter Satz

Gemischter Satz

Gemischter Satz 2023

Saturday 29 April 2023
18:00 – ca. 23:30
Alle Säle



Musicbanda Franui

Johannes Eder, Klarinette, Bassklarinette

Andreas Fuetsch, Tuba

Romed Hopfgartner, Sopran- und Altsaxophon, Klarinette

Markus Kraler, Kontrabass, Akkordeon

Angelika Rainer, Harfe, Zither, Gesang

Bettina Rainer, Hackbrett, Gesang

Markus Rainer, Trompete, Gesang

Andreas Schett, Trompete, Gesang, Leitung

Martin Senfter, Ventilposaune, Gesang

Nikolai Tunkowitsch, Violine

Pro Brass

Jürgen Ellensohn, Trompete

Gábor Tarkövi, Trompete

Bertold Stecher, Trompete

Aneel Soomary, Trompete

Lorenz Raab, Trompete

Péter Keserü, Horn

Felix Hüttel, Horn

Hansi Reiter, Posaune

Siegi Punz, Posaune

Gerald Pöttinger, Bassposaune

Christoph Gigler, Tuba

Christian Mühlbacher, Schlagzeug, Percussion

Stefan Reichinger, Schlagwerk

Simply Quartet

Danfeng Shen, Violine

Antonia Rankersberger, Violine

Xiang Lyu, Viola

Ivan Valentin Hollup Roald, Violoncello

Matthias Jakisic + Quartet

Matthias Jakisic, E-Violine

Emily Stewart, Violine

Nikolai Tunkowitsch, Violine

Lena Fankhauser, Viola

Asja Valčić, Violoncello

Holger Falk, Bariton

Bertl Mayer, Mundharmonika

Steffen Schleiermacher, Klavier

Vivi Vassileva, Multipercussion

Dörte Lyssewski, Lesung

Samouil Stoyanov, Lesung

Markus Hering, Lesung

BIBIZA, Rap, Gesang

Xaver Nahler, Keyboard, Synthesizer

Enzo Gaier, Gitarre

Markus Windisch, E-Bass

Moritz Meixner, Schlagzeug

Esther Stocker, Bühnenraumkunst


Großes Foyer, 18:00–18:15 Uhr:

Prolog: Pro Brass

Werner Pirchner

SOS – Im Brunnen vor dem Tore (Firewater-Music aus »Die drei Jahreszeiten«, komponiert während der Scheiße in Tschernobyl PWV 22) (1982–1986)

Das Geheimnis (Firewater-Music aus »Die drei Jahreszeiten«, komponiert während der Scheiße in Tschernobyl PWV 22) (1982–1986)

Berio-Saal, 18.30 Uhr, 19.35 Uhr, 20.40 Uhr:

Simultankonzerte: Holger Falk, Bertl Mayer, Steffen Schleiermacher, Vivi Vassileva, Samouil Stoyanov

Mozart-Saal, 18.30 Uhr, 19.35 Uhr, 20.40 Uhr:

Simultankonzerte: Simply Quartet, Musicbanda Franui, Markus Hering

Großer Saal, 18.30 Uhr, 19.35 Uhr, 20.40 Uhr:

Simultankonzerte: BIBIZA & Band, Matthias Jakisic + Quartet, Dörte Lyssewski

Säle, Foyers und Gänge, ca. 21.20 Uhr:


Großer Saal, ca. 22.00 Uhr

Finale: Alle Mitwirkenden

Mozart-Saal, ca. 23.00 Uhr

Letzte Sätze: Simply Quartet


Unterstützt von Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein und Wiener Städtische
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Kartenpreise beinhalten die zur Verkostung angebotenen Weine
Für das »Finale« um ca. 22.00 Uhr im Großen Saal werden fixe Plätze vergeben. Bei den anderen Veranstaltungsteilen gilt freie Platzwahl.

Subscription series Package »Gemischter Satz«

Festival Gemischter Satz 2023

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft

Gemischter Satz 2023

On the main festival day, Pro Brass will play Firewater Music from »The Three Seasons« by Werner Pirchner for the prologue in the Great Foyer: a work composed by the »Austrian Frank Zappa« for the brass ensemble in 1986 during the Chernobyl disaster.
Shortly after, the audience will be taken to the Berio Hall, the Mozart Hall and the Great Hall: The simultaneous concerts will take place. In addition to well-known faces, some artists will be guests at the »Gemischter Satz« for the first time. For example, Samouil Stoyanov should be mentioned: the actor was awarded the Alfred Kerr Actor Prize in 2022 for his performance in the play »humanistää!« - a visually powerful musical theater based on Ernst Jandl, produced at the Volkstheater and directed by Claudia Bauer. BIBIZA also makes his debut at the »Gemischter Satz«: the 25-year-old indie rapper sings the praises of the »Viennese Chiceria« on his current tracks and presents himself in a refreshingly decadent coolness, just like Falco.
The subsequent promenade leads through the halls and foyers before all the performers appear in the Great Hall and the Simply Quartet plays the last movements in the Mozart Hall. Stage space art will be provided by Esther Stocker at this year's festival: her crumpled sculptures will float above the stages of the Great Hall and Mozart Hall. Come to an evening full of art and delights and let yourself be enchanted by the unique atmosphere of Gemischter Satz 2023!

Supported by





Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.