Arcayürek / Petryka / Grahl / Hasselhorn / Steffens / Hadulla
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
With Ilker Arcayürek, Jan Petryka, Patrick Grahl, Samuel Hasselhorn and David Steffens, five top-class lied singers and accomplished Schubert interpreters meet in this concert. They will be accompanied by pianist Markus Hadulla, who has made a name for himself primarily as a lied accompanist and chamber music partner and initiated this project. »The idea to conceive this program«, says Hadulla, »originally arose from the desire to bring the ensemble songs, which are rarely heard due to the demanding instrumentation, to the stage and at the same time to relate them to Schubert's solo songs. The community and participation that are inherent in the ensembles through the shared experience of music-making very much embody for me the aspect of the circle of friends around Schubert. In contrast, the solo songs present themselves as commentaries of the single and often lonely individual. Themes such as the night, loneliness, longing, but also light and love connect both genres, and this creates a dialogue of the individual with the group in this program.«
Program sheet