Wiener Symphoniker / Luisi
»Im Klang«
15:00 – ca. 16:00
Großer Saal
Wiener Symphoniker
Maria Grün, Moderation
Stefan Pöchhacker, Moderation
Fabio Luisi, Dirigent
Franz Schmidt
Symphonie Nr. 2 Es-Dur (1911–1913)
Empfohlen ab 10 Jahren
»Im Klang«-Plätze € 30,– (Freie Platzwahl). Gäste mit »Im Klang«-Karten sitzen auf »Papphockern« (Belastbarkeit bis 150 kg).
Weitere Plätze € 19,– (normale Bestuhlung und fixe Plätze)
Dieses Konzert wird im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft und den Wiener Symphonikern veranstaltet. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung bei Kooperationsveranstaltungen, Speicherdauer und Ihren Rechten finden Sie in unserer
40. Internationales Musikfest
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
In the Midst of Oorchestral Sound: Sonorous Late Romanticism
This special concert should be a special experience to hear Franz Schmidt's late romantic Second Symphony, where the audience is invited to take a seat between the orchestra musicians during Schmidt's Second Symphony in the cleared out parterre: a symphonic concert literally in the middle of »Im Klang«.
It was a time of upheaval, of crises and new beginnings when this lush, late-Romantic work was composed: in 1913, one epoch came to an end, a new one was about to begin, the old existed alongside the new. The Toboggan was opened in the Prater, the Wiener Konzerthaus at Heumarkt. In 1913, on the eve of the First World War, the scandalous concert with the premiere of Stravinsky's »Le sacre du printemps« took place in Paris. In Vienna, the so-called Watschenkonzert caused a stir and had to be cancelled due to the audience's horror at the works of Webern and Schönberg. The great Austrian tradition of symphonic music, however, also lived on shortly after Mahler's death. It was brought to a late flowering by Franz Schmidt, whose Second Symphony was also premiered in 1913.
Program sheet