Alexander Maurer, Steirische Harmonika, Bassklarinette, Klarinette
Stefan Prommegger, Klarinette, Bassetthorn, Bassklarinette, Steirische Harmonika, Stimme
Alexander Neubauer, Klarinette, Bassetthorn, Stimme
Matthias Schorn, Klarinette, Bassklarinette, Percussion, Stimme
Marwan Abado, Ud, Gesang
Maciej Golebiowski, Klarinette, Duduk
Arnulf Lindner, Bass
Peter Rosmanith, Percussion
»Wiener Melange«
Michael Lowenstern
Ten children (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Anton Gmachl jun.
Links, rechts. Marsch
Béla Bartók
Pe loc (Der Stampfer / Tanz aus Egres, Torontál). Andante (Román népi táncok »Rumänische Volkstänze« Sz 56) (1915)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Adagio für Englischhorn C-Dur K 580a (Fragment) (1789)
Béla Bartók
Sántatánc / Limping dance (Vierundvierzig Duos für zwei Violinen Sz 98) (1931)
Battista Lena
2000 (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Ludwig Hirsch
Ich hab's wollen wissen (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Sepp Kufner
Beim Glöcklwirt (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Allan Taylor
Gut, wieder hier zu sein (»It's good to see you«, dt. von Hannes Wader, Konstantin Wecker Reinhard Mey, Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Pierre Wekstein
Transes (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Robert Schumann
Träumerei op. 15/7 (Kinderszenen, Bearbeitung: Faltenradio) (1838)
Wetzstoa Polka (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio)
Rob Bolland, Ferdi Bolland, Falco
Rock me, Amadeus (Bearbeitung: Faltenradio) (1985)
Marwan Abado
Inn kaana li
Blue maschrabiya
Connecting 5
Ya rabb
Longa Vienna
Marwan Abado
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
While the concerts in the »Spielarten« cycle usually feature a local ensemble meeting an international one, this time the whole evening is dedicated to the »Viennese Melange«: both the clarinet quartet Faltenradio, expanded to include harmonica, vocals and percussion instruments, and the ensemble around Marwan Abado, which can be experienced in this concert, are wholly or partly based in Vienna, and both formations bring Vienna's time-honoured role as a melting pot of different cultural traditions to the fore in different ways. »Landflucht« (rural exodus) is the title of Faltenradio's programme, in which the four clarinettists from Salzburg and Styria, who have made careers in major Viennese orchestras, among others, musically review their journey from the provinces to the metropolis. »Longa Vienna«, on the other hand, is the title of the programme with which the Palestinian Ud virtuoso Marwan Abado, who has lived in Vienna since 1985, celebrates his more than 20-year musical partnership with the percussionist Peter Rosmanith.