Constanze Hojsa, Gesang
Tommy Hojsa, Akkordeon, Gesang
Rudi Koschelu, Kontragitarre, Gesang
Peter Hudler, Violoncello, Gesang
Andreas Teufel, Wiener Knopfharmonika, Gesang
Agnes Palmisano, Gesang
Albin Paulus, Maultrommel, Klarinette, Dudelsack, Gesang
»Wienerlied, Schrammel & Bach«
Walter Hojsa
Ich höre so gerne die Lieder aus Wien
Die oide Hüttn
Oskar Schima
Fesch muss geh'n
Jean Rinderspacher
Bis d'arme Seel in Himmel fliagt
Raimund Brettner
Wann d'Schrammeln anblasen san
Rudolf Kronegger
I hob di goa so gern
A Stückerl Alt-Wien
Ane von der Wäsche
C-Dur Landler
Pepi Wichart
Weanerisch!. Marsch
Ferry Andree
Amoi geht's no
Mei Bua der hot ma gschriebm
Johann Sebastian Bach
Quodlibet BWV 524 »Was sind das für große Schlösser« (1707)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott (Matthäuspassion BWV 244) (1727 vor)
Invention Nr. 14 B-Dur BWV 785 (1723)
Franz Schubert
Die Forelle D 550 (1817 ca.)
Johann Sebastian Bach
Komm süßer Tod, komm sel'ge Ruh' BWV 478 (G. C. Schemellis Musicalisches Gesang-Buch) (1736))
Agnes Palmisano, Helmut Stippich, Daniel Fuchsberger
Schdeam in Wean
Johann Schrammel
Wiener Heurigentänze
Andreas Teufel
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
Lieder aus Wien
He is considered a walking encyclopedia of Viennese songs: Rudi Koschelu. The friendly contract guitarist and singer should be familiar to all Viennese who like to visit rustic wine taverns from his countless appearances on the city's wine periphery. He never makes a fuss about his enormous knowledge of the genre, but lets it flow naturally into his inimitable performance. On this evening, he joins father and daughter Hojsa in a virtuoso trio in the Mozart Hall of the Vienna Konzerthaus, before Schrammelbach take the helm there. »Bach on the Quetsch'n«, that's also what Richard Galliano does, for example. But with Peter Hudler and Andreas Teufel it sounds completely different. Expect nothing less than »a quodlibet of Bach and båchanem Schrammel, of Bach preludes and Schrammelfugen, from old Viennese dance suites to satirical sacred, where even H. C. Artmann and J. S. Bach find each other«. The two gentlemen receive prominent reinforcement on this occasion from Dudler diva Agnes Palmisano and the astonishing multi-instrumentalist Albin Paulus.