Kantorow Alexandre © Sasha Gusov
Alexandre Kantorow, Klavier
Alexandre Kantorow, Klavier
Franz Liszt
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen S 179 (Bearbeitung für Klavier nach Johann Sebastian Bach BWV 12) (1859)
Robert Schumann
Sonate Nr. 1 fis-moll op. 11 (1833–1835)
Franz Liszt
Sonetto del Petrarca Nr. 104 S 161/5 »Pace non trovo« (Années de pèlerinage, deuxième année, Italie) (1838–1861)
Abschied. Russisches Volkslied S 251 (1885)
La lugubre gondola S 200 (1882)
Alexander Skrjabin
Vers la flamme. Poème op. 72 (1914)
Franz Liszt
Après une lecture de Dante. Fantasia quasi Sonata S 161/7 (Années de pèlerinage, deuxième année, Italie) (1838–1861)
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Melodie (Bearbeitung: Giovanni Sgambati)
Igor Strawinski
Finale (L'oiseau de feu) (Bearbeitung für Klavier: Guido Agosti)
Johannes Brahms
Ballade D-Dur op. 10/2 (1854)
Subscription series
Klavier im Mozart-Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Liszt Reincarnate
»If his sheer virtuosity is impressive, it is his ear for poetry that makes him a true artist.« (The Times): at the age of 22, Alexandre Kantorow was the first French pianist to win the Gold Medal at the Tchaikovsky Competition as well as the Grand Prix, awarded only three times before in the competition's history. He has been hailed by critics as the »young tsar of the piano« and »Liszt reincarnate«, he has received numerous other awards and is already being invited at the highest level worldwide. Born in 1997, Kantorow is a proven Liszt expert and also places the composer at the center of his piano recital.
Program sheet