Monday MON 6 January 2025
Tuesday TUE 7 January 2025
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Sunday SUN 2 October 2022

Roland Neuwirth © www.stephanmussil.at

70+2 Jahre Roland Neuwirth

»Schall & Rauch«

Saturday 15 October 2022
19:30 – ca. 22:30
Großer Saal



Roland Neuwirth & Exschrammeln

Roland Neuwirth, Kontragitarre, Gesang

Doris Windhager, Gesang

Manfred Kammerhofer, Violine

Bernie Mallinger, Violine, Gesang

Marko Živadinović, Chromatische Knopfharmonika

Paul Seifried, Kontragitarre


Bernie Mallinger, Violine

Igmar Jenner, Violine

Cynthia Liao, Viola

Sophie Abraham, Violoncello

Florian Krumpöck, Klavier

Schall & Rauch Orchester

Werner Steinmetz, Leitung

Elisabeth Jahrmann, Sopran

Martha Hirschmann, Mezzosopran

Katharina Tschakert, Mezzosopran

Sebastian Fuchsberger, Tenor

Weana Madln

Magdalena Niklas, Violine

Magdalena Hollerweger, Violine

Pia Madlener, Chromatische Knopfharmonika

Erna Ströbitzer, Kontragitarre

Schrammelquartett Studierender an der mdw

Alenka Brecelj, Violine

Milena Schmidt, Violine

Pia Madlener, Chromatische Knopfharmonika

Paul Seifried, Kontragitarre


»Schall & Rauch«. 70+2 Jahre Roland Neuwirth

Roland Neuwirth

Schall & Rauch


Altwiener Tanz

Roland Neuwirth

Neuwiener Tanz


In dem Herbst

Bis der Kanari von sein Sprissl fallt


Franz Schubert

Frühlingstraum D 911/11 (Winterreise, 1. Buch) (Text: Roland Neuwirth) (1827)

Roland Neuwirth

Galopp & Intermezzo

Franz Schubert

Der Leiermann D 911/24 (Winterreise, 2. Buch) (Text: Roland Neuwirth) (1827)

Roland Neuwirth


Happy hurtsday dancerl

Exumed and made up


Wann i fuatgeh muass



Die Donau

Des End vom Lied

Jetzt oder nie

Wien g'spürn

Walzer in F

Mia brauchn hoid so vüü davo (Duett aus der Schrammel-Operette »Und das bei uns!.«)

Con serto d'osso

Walzer für Streicher



Roland Neuwirth



Medienpartner Ö1 Club

Subscription series Lieder aus Wien

Links http://www.extremschrammeln.com

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft

Happy Birthday, Roland Neuwirth!

Actually it was his 70th birthday that was to be celebrated, now the birthday concert is being made up for and Roland Neuwirth is celebrating his 72nd birthday as a musical festival under the motto »Sound and Smoke«: »Because I am a heavy smoker, but also because music is a fleeting art. Barely played, already over.« There can be no question of fleetingness with regard to Roland Neuwirth. In the 1970s he reinvented the Viennese song with his band Extremschrammeln, a fact that is still evident in the genre today. 

Among the musical well-wishers on this memorable evening, besides the Extremschrammeln, are pianist Florian Krumpöck and the radio.string.quartet, with whom Neuwirth has a close working relationship. The jubilarian is looking forward to his birthday concert with joy, but calmly: »Birthdays are also a bit embarrassing. But I will use it to let the faded sounds fly by once more. So that the sound lasts longer and resonates a little. I'm looking forward to playing and singing with my wonderful people again. I've also composed for the orchestra and will bring something there too. I play things that would have been important to me, but which [...] often didn't happen.«

Media Partner


Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.