Antonio Pappano © Lukas Beck
Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia / Pappano
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Großer Saal
Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia – Roma
Sir Antonio Pappano, Dirigent
Arnold Schönberg
Kammersymphonie für 15 Solo-Instrumente op. 9 (1906–1936)
Anton Bruckner
Symphonie Nr. 7 E-Dur (1881–1883)
Medienpartner Der Standard
Subscription series
Das STANDARD-Konzerthaus-Abo
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Major works of the Austrian symphonic music
Two major works of the Austrian symphony are presented by the wonderful Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and its principal conductor Sir Antonio Pappano in the second concert of their guest appearance at the Vienna Konzerthaus: Anton Bruckner's Seventh is, along with his Fourth, the best-known and most popular symphony by the master from Ansfelden. Although no less ornately constructed and monumental in effect than the Fifth, the Eighth or the unfinished Ninth, it is nevertheless more accessible than its sister works, not least thanks to its tangible themes and clear architectonics. It shares the key of E major with Arnold Schoenberg's Chamber Symphony, which is less than a quarter of a century younger and, despite its scoring for only fifteen solo instruments and its relatively short duration of barely more than twenty minutes, is something of a condensate of the great symphonies since Beethoven. In it, Schoenberg concentrated the traditional characters of the four-movement symphony into a single large sonata movement, bringing to a provisional conclusion the struggle for unity in diversity that had kept composition so much in suspense since the Classical period.
Program sheet