Jean Rondeau © Shura Rusanova / Warner Classics
Gent / Rignol / Dunford / Rondeau
18:00 – ca. 19:30
Sophie Gent, Violine
Myriam Rignol, Viola da gamba
Thomas Dunford, Laute
Jean Rondeau, Cembalo, Orgel
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Sonata II d-moll (Sonatae Violino solo) (1681))
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger
Toccata II d-moll (1611))
Johann Jakob Froberger
Méditation sur ma mort future (Bearbeitung für Viola da gamba)
Toccata II in d (1649))
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Sonata V e-moll (Sonatae Violino solo) (1681))
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger
Toccata VI (1611))
Johann Jakob Froberger
Toccata VI g-moll
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Sonata VI c-moll (Sonatae a Violino solo) (1681))
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Sonata I »Jesus, den du, o Jungfrau, vom Heiligen Geist empfangen hast« (Sonaten über die Mysterien des Rosenkranzes) (1674 ?)
Die Beginnzeit wurde von 19.30 Uhr auf 18.00 Uhr vorverlegt.
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
40. Internationales Musikfest
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Musical May devotion
In Catholic tradition, the month of May is dedicated to the veneration of Mary. In so-called May devotions, the faithful offer their petitions to this greatest intercessor, turning to her as »comforter of the afflicted« and »model in difficult times«, as »healer of the sick« and »helper of Christians«. At the same time, Mary is venerated as the »most beautiful of women«, the Virgin, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. On the last day of May, the month of bliss and Mary, Jean Rondeau and friends offer baroque »Mailancholie« in a bitter minor key. Each of the four musicians will perform works by a favorite composer for his or her instrument, and then unite at the cornerstones of the program to perform music by Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, the author of the famous »Rosary Sonatas«. The keystone of this important collection with the monumental »Guardian Angel Passacaglia« is then also coherently enthroned in the center of their musical May devotion.