Fatma Said, Sopran
Joseph Middleton, Klavier
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte K 520 (1787)
Abendempfindung K 523 »Abend ist's« (1787)
Männer suchen stets zu naschen K 416c »Warnung« (1783)
Der Zauberer K 472 (1785)
Franz Schubert
Der Tod und das Mädchen D 531 (1817)
Rastlose Liebe D 138 (1815)
Nachtviolen D 752 (1822)
Ganymed D 544 (1817)
Ständchen D 957/4 (Schwanengesang, 1. Buch) »Leise flehen meine Lieder« (1828)
Robert Schumann
Meine Rose op. 90/2 (Sechs Gedichte von Lenau und Requiem) (1850)
Frühlingsnacht op. 39/12 (Liederkreis) (1840)
Mond, meiner Seele Liebling op. 104/1 (Sieben Lieder) (1851)
Liebeslied op. 51/5 (Lieder und Gesänge) »Dir zu eröffnen mein Herz« (1849)
Singet nicht in Trauertönen op. 98a/7 (Lieder und Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister) (1849)
Widmung op. 25/1 (Myrten) (1840)
Manuel de Falla
Siete canciones populares españolas (1914–1915)
Tus ojillos negros. Canción andaluza (1902)
Fernando Jaumandreu Obradors
Del cabello más sutil »Vom feinsten Haar« (Canciones clásicas españolas)
José Serrano
Marinela, Marinela (Arie der Rosina aus »La canción del olvido«) (1916)
Gamal Abdel-Rahim
Ana Bent El Sultan (1981)
Najib Hankash
Aatini Al-Naya Wa Ghanni
Richard Strauss
Morgen op. 27/4 (Vier Lieder) (1894)
Subscription series
Great artistic diversity characterizes the musical work of the Egyptian soprano with the incredibly versatile and nuanced voice Fatma Said. She has been delighting audiences for years with classical music as well as Broadway songs and jazz and music from her homeland.
The passionate lieder singer and portrait artist of the Wiener Konzerthaus will also showcase her multifaceted talents on this evening in the 2023/24 season, accompanied on the piano by the multi-award-winning accompanist Joseph Middleton. In addition to Mozart, Schubert and Schumann, she will be singing Spanish and Arabic songs from her 2020 debut album »El Nour« (»The Light«). Thematically, everything revolves around nocturnal moods and love affairs.
»When I sing these songs«, says Fatma Said about her album »El Nour«, »it's important for me to burn for each of them, to love every note I sing. I hope you will hear this [...] and fall in love with this music as much as I have.« That is guaranteed to happen this evening!