Semyon Bychkov © Marco Borggreve
Tschechische Philharmonie / Hadelich / Bychkov
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Pure Dvořák I
Lovers of Antonín Dvořák's music will get their money's worth at the Vienna Konzerthaus in spring 2024. This will be ensured in particular by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of its principal conductor Semyon Bychkov with two concerts devoted exclusively to the works of this composer. On the first evening, French violin virtuoso Augustin Hadelich will interpret Dvořák's only violin concerto, which is still rather rarely performed, while the second half of the concert will bring a perennial favorite of the orchestral repertoire: Dvořák's buoyantly cheerful, melodious Eighth.