Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien © Julia Wesely
Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien
Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien
Helmut Lackinger, Violine
Alexandra Winkler, Violine
Kurt Franz Schmid, Klarinette
Ingrid Eder, Knopfharmonika
Peter Hirschfeld, Kontragitarre, Moderation
Josef Mikulas
Wiener Fuhrleut'. Marsch
Ferdinand Stichelberger
Wiener Miniaturen
Alois Strohmayer
Schöne Ida. Polka
Johann Schrammel
Die Nußdorfer. Walzer
Wiener Fiakergalopp. Polka schnell
Fritz Kreisler
Liebesfreud. Idyll (1905))
Johann Schrammel
Wien–Berlin. Marsch op. 100
Hans Zajicek
Alois Strohmayer
Zwickerbusserl. Polka
Dominik Ertl
Wien – Paris. Marsch
Josef Mikulas
's Haneferl. Ländliche Paraphrase
Philipp Fahrbach jun.
Wiener Blitz. Polka
Josef Schrammel
Mein Liebchen. Polka mazur
Johann Schrammel
Zum Abschied. Marsch
Ferdinand Raimund
Johann Schrammel
Wien bleibt Wien. Marsch (1866)
Subscription series
Symphonisches Schrammelquintett Wien
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Vienna - Paris - Berlin
In just seven years, a pair of brothers managed to revolutionize Viennese popular music of the 19th century. We are talking about Johann and Josef Schrammel, whose oeuvre includes more than 250 marches as well as all kinds of polkas, waltzes, dances, songs and couplets and made Johannes Brahms, among others, go into raptures. Would you like to immerse yourself in the musical world of yesteryear? Then head to the concert of the Vienna Symphonic Schrammel Quintet! Here you can experience gems by the Schrammel brothers as well as those by the Strauss dynasty and many other composers in the original Schrammel line-up. Before the summer break, the ensemble around contraguitarist and presenter Peter Hirschfeld undertakes an incomparable musical journey from Vienna via Paris to Berlin.