Prof. Hatto Beyerle © privat
Matinee im Andenken an Prof. Hatto Beyerle
Trio Gaspard
Jonian-Ilja Kadesha, Violine
Vashti Hunter, Violoncello
Nicholas Rimmer, Klavier
Cuarteto Quiroga
Aitor Hevia, Violine
Cibrán Sierra, Violine
Josep Puchades, Viola
Helena Poggio, Violoncello
Patrick Jüdt, Viola
Trio Bohémo
Kristina Vocetková, Violoncello
Matouš Pěruška, Violine
Jan Vojtek, Klavier
Peter Havlicek, Kontragitarre, Gesang
Tini Kainrath, Gesang
Joseph Haydn
Klaviertrio E-Dur Hob. XV/28 (1797 vor)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1. Satz: Allegro (Streichquintett C-Dur K 515) (1787)
Johannes Brahms
2. Satz: Romanze (Streichquartett Nr. 1 c-moll op. 51/1) (1873)
Joseph Haydn
Sonata II. Grave e cantabile. »Amen dico tibi: hodie mecum eris in paradiso«, Lk 23,43 (»Fürwahr, ich sag es dir: heute noch wirst du mit mir im Paradiese sein« (Die Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze Hob. III/50–56) (Fassung für Streichquartett) (1786–1787)
Antonín Dvořák
1., 3. und 6. Satz (Klaviertrio e-moll op. 90 »Dumky-Trio«) (1890–1891)
Wiener Lieder
Im Anschluss an das Konzert wird zum Sektempfang im Schubert-Saal-Buffet geladen.
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Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Chamber music as a matter close to the heart
The Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft and the ECMA - European Chamber Music Academy invite you to a matinee dedicated to the memory of the important chamber musician and chamber music teacher Hatto Beyerle, who died last year at the age of 90.
Hatto Beyerle was closely associated with the Wiener Konzerthaus for many years in various ways: as a founding member of the legendary Alban Berg Quartet, as the founding conductor of the Wiener Konzertvereinigung and, in particular, as a teacher who had a lasting influence on numerous musicians and ensembles, such as the Hagen Quartet, which still play a leading role in the chamber music scene at the Konzerthaus today. Hatto Beyerle's heartfelt project in the last 20 years of his artistic and pedagogical work was the European Chamber Music Academy. As founder and spiritus rector of the ECMA, he made an invaluable contribution to the further development of professional chamber music in Europe and beyond.
This memorial event will be organized by ECMA alumni ensembles, and Hatto Beyerle's ties to his long-time adopted home of Vienna will be honored with Viennese songs performed by Tina Kainrath and Peter Havlicek.
Program sheet