Dhafer Youssef © Flavien Prioreau
Dhafer Youssef
»Diwan of Beauty and Odd«
21:00 – ca. 22:30
Großer Saal
Dhafer Youssef, Ud, Gesang
Aaron Parks, Klavier
Matthew Brewer, Bass
Arthur Hnatek, Schlagzeug
Giulio Gallo, Tontechnik
»Diwan of Beauty and Odd«
Dhafer Youssef
Fly shadow fly
Of beauty & odd
17th flyways
Delightfully odd
Morning dazzling
Al-Akhtal Rhapsody Part 1
Al-Akhtal Rhapsody Part 2
Al-Akhtal Rhapsody Part 3
Cheerful Meshuggah
Dhafer Youssef
Longing & saltation journey
In Zusammenarbeit mit My Buzz Productions
Unterstützt von Erste Bank
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
»Diwan of Beauty and Odd«
When Dhafer Youssef left his Tunisian home nearly 30 years with vague musical plans, he could not have guessed that he would eventually collaborate with the crème de la crème of the international jazz scene, as he does on his latest album, »Diwan of Beauty and Odd«, which he recorded with luminaries of the New York scene such as Aaron Parks or Ben Williams. Dhafer Youssef belongs to those jazz musicians from the Arab world, who have managed to really reconcile the different musical traditions of the orient and the west. Jazz was always curious to explore Africa’s sound worlds. In Dhafer Youssef's music, they come together with American and European jazz to form an irresistible mix.

Program sheet