Peirani · Sissoko · Parisien · Segal © Claude Gassian
Sissoko / Segal / Parisien / Peirani
»Les Égarés«
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
The Art of Complicity
Ballaké Sissoko (kora) and Vincent Segal (cello) on one side, Vincent Peirani (accordion) and Émile Parisien (saxophone) on the other. With these magicians, 2 plus 2 no longer equals 4, but 1, because it is a unity of spirit and a flowing sound that these strong individualities create together, disdaining any ego competition in order to place themselves at the service of the common musical cause. Neither jazz nor traditional, neither classical nor avant-garde, but a little bit of everything at the same time, this quartet establishes an independent poetic territory where the ear is the king of instruments. Where virtuosity is expressed first and foremost in the art of complicity. Where the so simple and yet so great desire to listen to the other leads to the birth of a unique four-part song.
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