Herbert Pixner © Barbara Wirl / Wirlphoto
Herbert Pixner Projekt
»Jubiläumstour 2025«
Großer Saal
Herbert Pixner Projekt
Herbert Pixner, Diatonische Harmonika, Klarinette, Trompete, Flügelhorn
Manuel Randi, Gitarren
Heidi Pixner, Harfe
Alex Trebo, Konzertflügel
Werner Unterlercher, Bass
»Jubiläumstour 2025«
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Anniversary tour 2025
During his student years, he alternated between taking creative breaks as a dairyman on the mountain pastures and playing as a bar musician in the USA: Herbert Pixner effortlessly combines seemingly contradictory elements not only in his biography, but also in his music. In 2005, he founded the Herbert Pixner Project with other brilliant musicians. For twenty years now, they have been making »the finest handmade music from the Alps« together, full of energy and enriched with elements of flamenco, gypsy jazz, blues, rock and world music. In 2025, they are going on tour again and celebrating their 20th anniversary.