Ottavio Dantone © Giulia Papetti
Resonanzen: Accademia Bizantina / Purcell Chor / Dantone
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Habsburg propaganda
Whenever Thomas Bernhard wanted to take a swipe at the Habsburgs, he did so. Probably most bluntly in the »Old Masters«, where he does not leave a good hair on the Habsburgs' »dubious Catholic taste«. First performed in Prague on Emperor Charles VI's name day in 1723, Francesco Bartolomeo Conti's serenata »Il trionfo della fama« is one of the purest panegyrics of the ruling dynasty. Conti, Viennese court composer since 1713 and thus precisely one of those early »state artists« relentlessly denounced by Bernhard, created a work full of musical splendor and grace for »the Habsburgs, who, as you know, had no understanding of art, an ear for music yes, but no understanding of art.« (»Old Masters«)
Co-operating partner: Haydneum - Hungarian Centre for Early Music
Haydneum is supported by the Prime Minister’s Office (Hungary) and the Bethlen Gábor Fund Management.

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