ensemble freymut © Theresa Pewal
Resonanzen: Werkstattkonzert für Familien
11:00 – ca. 12:00
ensemble freymut
Elisabeth Haberl, Traversflöte
Ching-Yao Wang, Traversflöte
Maria Danneberg, Viola da gamba
Sobin Jo, Cembalo
Hereinspaziert! Gemeinsam mit dem ensemble freymut taucht Ihr in die Welt der »Alten Musik« ein: Entdeckt den besonderen Klang einer Viola da gamba oder den warmen Ton einer Traversflöte! Zusätzlich zu musikalischen Kostproben erwarten Euch spannende Geschichten rund um die ausgewählten Stücke und das Ensemble selbst!
Empfohlen ab 6 Jahren
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Resonanzen »Alte Meister«
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Workshop concert for families
As part of the »Resonanzen« festival, four events will also be offered for children aged six and nine: As well as integrating a »Concertino« project, ensemble freymut will also be performing a »Workshop Concert« in the Schönberg Hall on Sunday, January 26, in addition to the »Prelude«. The approx. 60-minute format will be conceived together with the ensemble. The ensemble's repertoire will serve as the starting point for the »workshop concert«. Between musical samples, the focus will be on the instruments used (transverse flute, viola da gamba, harpsichord). The musicians will provide insights into their rehearsal work and how they play together as an ensemble and will repeatedly come into direct contact with the audience.