Ausstellung Historischer Instrumentenbau © Julia Wesely
Resonanzen: 31. Ausstellung Historischer Instrumentenbau
Im ganzen Haus
Internationale Instrumentenbauer:innen erwarten Sie am Eröffnungswochenende der Resonanzen und laden mit ihren klingenden Wunderwerken zum Schauen, Ausprobieren und Kaufen ein.
Resonanzen »Alte Meister«
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
31st Exhibition of Historic Instrument Making
Since the first edition of our Early Music Festival, the international gathering of numerous makers of replicas of historical instruments at the Wiener Konzerthaus has been a popular destination for families with children, collectors, musicians and onlookers of all kinds. Here you can watch members of an unusual guild in their workshop, try out and buy a wide range of blowing, bowing and/or plucking instruments or simply drift from station to station in a relaxed manner. For the past three seasons, guided tours for children and adults have also been offered.