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PHACE - ForMoreEars - irrealities © Markus Bruckner

PHACE / Chen

»Irréalités / Unrealities«

Tuesday 11 February 2025
19:30 – ca. 20:45




Peyee Chen, Stimme

Thomas J. Jelinek, Raumkonzeption, Medienregie, Lichtdesign


Januibe Tejera

Lost Alphabet (2023–2024) (UA)
Kompositionsauftrag von PHACE


Freie Platzwahl

Subscription series PHACE

Links https://www.phace.at

Presented by Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft

Lost Alphabet

In »Lost Alphabet«, Januibe Tejera explores those strange feelings between strangeness and rediscovery that arise when moving or relocating, when changing the center of one's life. The starting point are selected passages from Lisa Olstein's poetry collection of the same name, in which nature - as a constant reference and at the same time as a completely formless model -, the real and the unreal intertwine. On this textual basis (voice: Peyee Chen), Tejera's music approaches those continuous and natural processes of alienation experienced by those who commute between different countries, continents, social classes and cultural models, and at the same time enters into a musical dialog with the composer's homeland. Embedded in a spatial-visual concept (Thomas J. Jelinek), the concert evening reflects a peculiarity of human beings, namely the ability to perceive and reflect on life as something external, accompanied by the complete impossibility of understanding life or attributing precise meaning to it. Like a language that we forget while learning it at the same time, like an alphabet that develops while it fades - a lost alphabet that we try to understand.

Wiener Konzerthaus
Lothringerstrasse 20
A-1030 Wien

Telephone +43 1 242 002
Fax: +43 1 24200-110

Opening and telephone hours
September to June

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

July and August

Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm

September to June: Sundays and public holidays | 24th December | Good Friday
July and August: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Please purchase your tickets on these days online.

Evening box office

1 hour prior to performances
Only ticket purchases and collections for the events of the respective day or evening can be made.

The Wiener Konzerthaus would like to thank all its sponsors and cooperation partners.