Wolfgang Puschnig © Lukas Beck
Wolfgang Puschnig Ensemble
Pabst: Die Büchse der Pandora
19:30 – ca. 21:00
Großer Saal
Wolfgang Puschnig, Saxophon, Flöte
Wolfgang Mitterer, Klavier, Keyboards, Electronics
Uli Soyka, Percussion
Koehne Quartett
Joanna Lewis, Violine
Anne Harvey-Nagl, Violine
Lena Fankhauser, Viola
Melissa Coleman, Violoncello
Film »Die Büchse der Pandora« (Regie: Georg Wilhelm Pabst, D 1929)
Wolfgang Puschnig
Musik zu »Die Büchse der Pandora« (Regie: Georg Wilhelm Pabst, D 1929) (UA)
Kompositionsauftrag des Wiener Konzerthauses
Medienpartner ray Filmmagazin
Subscription series
Film + Musik live
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Femme fatale
It was one of Georg Wilhelm Pabst's last silent films before he turned his full attention to producing sound films: »Pandora's Box« from 1929. Pabst's film meets the music of Wolfgang Puschnig at the Vienna Konzerthaus. The saxophonist and composer, who has been straddling musical genres for decades and is one of the most influential jazz musicians in Europe, will lend the once explosive cinematic masterpiece a new sound. At the time the film was made, jazz was considered wicked, so that it perfectly represents the character of the seductive Lulu, who ignores social norms and plunges those around her into ruin. Wolfgang Puschnig will be supported in the performance by the Koehne Quartet, organist Wolfgang Mitterer and drummer Uli Soyka.
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