Gunar Letzbor © Daniil Rabovsky
Ars Antiqua Austria / Letzbor
19:30 – ca. 21:15
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Sonatas 1681, Part 1
The Salzburg virtuoso Biber compiled eight sonatas into a collection in 1681. Emperor Leopold I elevated him to the nobility after their presentation, so Biber's violinistic legacy inspired him. Each piece enters its own world of sound. The unbridled imagination of this exceptional violinist created eight masterpieces that broke all the barriers of the time, broke new ground and revolutionized violin playing.
Why are Biber's »Rosary Sonatas« more often performed today? The answer is simple: his eight sonatas from 1681 are truly a special delicacy and demand the highest technical skills and a strong will to interpret from the soloists.
Gunar Letzbor and Ars Antiqua Austria present the first part of the collection - a celebration of violin playing!