Wolfgang Muthspiel Touch
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Wolfgang Muthspiel, Gitarre, Stimme
Lionel Loueke, Gitarre, Stimme
Linda May Han Oh, Bass, Stimme
Unterstützt von Erste Bank
Medienpartner Ö1 Club
Subscription series
Jazz unplugged
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
A big world in miniature
In his latest project, Austrian guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel invites two outstanding personalities to work together: Linda Oh, bassist from Australia, and guitarist Lionel Loueke from Benin. Three different musical colors, three continents, three musicians who are formative on their instruments unite in a concert program that captivates with virtuosity and rhythmic power on the one hand, and opens up a wide space in which the protagonists meet in an improvised trialogue on the other.
All three musicians are known from different jazz contexts: Linda Oh played bass in Pat Metheny's quartet for a long time and has built up an excellent reputation as the leader of her own projects. Lionel Loueke, on the other hand, is a key member of Herbie Hancock's band and has added a new, unique expression to the guitar in his own trio and solo projects. In this new project, Wolfgang Muthspiel explores another facet of his work. What unites the three musicians, as different as they are, is the quality of tone that gives the project its title: the touch. If musicians can be recognized by a single note based on their sound alone, then they have found their own voice.
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