Ingo Metzmacher © Felix Broede
Wiener Symphoniker / Metzmacher
Großer Saal
Wiener Symphoniker
Ingo Metzmacher, Dirigent
Luigi Nono
Variazioni canoniche sulla serie dell'op. 41 di Arnold Schönberg (1950)
Anton Bruckner
Symphonie Nr. 9 d-moll (1887–1896)
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Wiener Symphoniker
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Bold Visions
Just over a month after his 200th birthday, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is honouring Anton Bruckner with two performances of his 9th Symphony. The Vienna Concert Association Orchestra, one of the two forerunner orchestras of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, gave the posthumous premiere of this great torso, which he had left behind, in 1903 under the direction of Ferdinand Löwe. The Ninth, which Bruckner worked on intermittently for almost a decade from 1887 until his death, but was never able to complete, is certainly his most modern composition - the bold vision of a septuagenarian who was not only at the height of his time, but even ahead of it. Ingo Metzmacher, a specialist for the bold and visionary, is at the conductor's podium. He therefore precedes Bruckner's Ninth with an experimental early piece by Luigi Nono, another jubilarian of the year 2024.