Jewgenij Kissin © Marco Borggreve
Gidon Kremer © Giedre Dirvanauskaite
Kremer / Rysanov / Gautier Capuçon / Kissin
19:30 – ca. 21:30
Großer Saal
Presented by
Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft
Musical legacy
Violin, viola and violoncello: Dmitri Shostakovich composed a sonata for each of these three basic string instruments. The Viola Sonata is his last completed composition, a condensation of his creative output that testifies to his great knowledge of music history and the expressive possibilities of various compositional techniques. As in the viola sonata, the slow movement of the violin sonata comes last and forms the center of the work. And even if anxiety and despair, which increasingly characterize the composer, are clearly audible here, there are also flashes of the irony so typical of him. The Cello Sonata op. 40 is an early chamber music work, one of the most important works of the 20th century for the instrument, in which an elegiac mood still prevails at the beginning. You can hear all three sonatas on one evening with the outstanding soloists Gidon Kremer, Maxim Rysanov and Gautier Capuçon, with none other than Yevgeny Kissin playing the piano part.
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